Monday, June 25, 2012

Happy Scentsiversary!!!

Yesterday was my one year anniversary with Scentsy! And I wouldn't have wanted to spend it any other way: working the morning shift of the San Diego Fair with my director, Michelle Van Kirk! It's amazing to look back and see how far I've taken my business in a year. Even with my mid-year hiatus, I am thankful to have a wonderful group of customers, hosts, and Scentsy sisters to work with! I started Scentsy with a goal of putting myself through college without having to drown in student loan debt and so far I've been successful! :)

I'm four shifts into the San Diego County Fair season and let me just tell you how much fun I'm having! (Although I'm pretty sure I've gained five pounds in fried calamari, cookies, and cinnamon rolls.)I have met some fabulous customers and even more fabulous potential team-mates! (Not to mention the STELLAR people watching opportunities that present themselves.)

I'm very excited about growing my business. I spent this last Saturday getting my home office set up. It's a long way from finished, but having a designated space to work with everything organized around me makes me ACTUALLY feel like I have my own business ( only took me about a year to figure that out. :)

The annual Scentsy convention is quickly approaching. July in Las Vegas is going to be a little warm, but my favorite person is coming out to Vegas with me and we get to have a much needed mini-vacation! This is my first convention and I have a feeling it is going to be an unforgettable one! Scentsy doesn't do anything halfway and knowing how much they appreciate their consultants, I know it'll be a blast!

My Scentsy cup is full and I'm looking forward to growing my team and sharing the Scentsy magic with others! :)

Friday, June 8, 2012

On Burnout...

Greetings friends!

I'm back from a 6 month long Scentsy hiatus. I'll admit, I had Scentsy burnout: not Scentsy's fault, purely my own. You see, I have a tendency to jump into things that I love head-first WITHOUT LOOKING. Imagine jumping off of a diving board into a pool without water. Ouch, right? Well that's me. And I have a tendency to do it over and over and over again. LOL.

I was so excited about the Scentsy opportunity that I booked parties, fairs and fundraisers galore last summer. I worked my business until I had nothing left in me. Nothing. I had burnt out. So I needed to take some time and re-focus myself and attack my Scentsy business scentsibly. (See what I did there?)

Well, I'm back, and raring to go! I'll be working 5 different shifts at the San Diego Fair this year: the evenings of June 12 and 13, then all of the Sundays following--June 17, 24, and July 1st. I'm so excited to get my business back up and running!

Stop by the fair and see me! Or better yet, contact me to host a party! Or even better than that--join my team! I'd love to share this wonderful opportunity with you!

Coreena :)

Friday, August 26, 2011

Candle Comparison

I just received an email from one of my favorite stores, whose name I will not mention (just because I'm not one to openly bash any other businesses), where I have previously spent HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of dollars on fragrance candles. Anyway, the email is advertising the scents of the "season". (This is typically when my wallet mysteriously appears in my hand and the credit card falls out and begins typing its own numbers into the payment field of the hundred dollar order that has materialized on my computer screen.)

Not today.

It's crazy to think of how much money I've spent on candles in the past. You name the brand, I've bought it. I swear a clerk once offered me stock in Illuminations because I practically signed over my paychecks to them...thankfully they went out of business and saved my financial livelihood.

This year, I am proud to say that my pocketbook will be a little bit heavier because I won't be spending as much money on home fragrance products.

Here is what I would typically be buying right now:

  • 5 medium jar candles (one for each new Fall fragrance available) @ $22.99 each. Each candle will last me between 69 and 90 hours.
  • Two cheesy 'lampshades' that fit on top of the jars. Why two? One for a candle at each edge of my coffee table, because having just one candle-with-cheesy-lampshade sitting there just doesn't look right to me, so I have to have matching ones. (That I just end up throwing away at the end of the year because they've turned black with soot and I'm too lazy to clean them) for $18.99 each.
That's $152.93 in candles, before taxes. Pitiful, I know.

With Scentsy, this is what I'll be spending:
  • Two full-size warmers (which don't necessarily have to match, because they are designed to be stand alone fixtures in any room. So, one for the living room and one for the bedroom.
  • 6 Scentsy bars - each in a new Fall/Winter scent. Each bar will last me between 60 and 90 hours.
All for $85 before taxes.

A SAVINGS OF $67.93! AND, I get an extra 60-90 hours of scents because I'm purchasing six bars instead of 5 candles.

It's a no brainer, right? And no one will yell at me if I forget to turn my Scentsy off. (Not that I would ever forget to blow out a candle, who does that right? Okay. I'm guilty. Thankfully I didn't burn anything down.)  

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

My Scentsy Discovery

I know, I know, you're all hanging onto the edge of your seats to hear about how and why I got started with Scentsy. (Yes, I'm being sarcastic.)

Seriously though, while I'm someone who doesn't mind 'working for the man' (mainly because it pays the bills and I like stability), I've always had this entrepreneurial spirit that I just can't seem to stuff down far enough into the expansive recesses of my noggin. You know the saying that goes something like, 'find something that you love do to, then do it for a living, and you'll be happy, yadda-yadda-yadda.' Well, I always thought that to be a fairy tale, and that your happiness is what you make of your own situation. So that's how I approach living my life, with this feeling of contentment and thankfulness of the things I have and the wonderful people that surround me.

I'm perpetually busy, and I can't just do NOTHING. I have to be involved, doing things, participating in events, working toward my goals, SOMETHING. So when a lull in my schedule presents itself, I have to fill it. Those of you who have known me for awhile know that I've always been this way.

So, this summer, I had just finished a challenging full-time school load (including my first Harvard class, which was a challenge in itself) in addition to a full-time job. The first few weeks off were great! But then I started to get that itch...

Fast forward a few weeks, and it's time for the Del Mar Fair (yes, I know, it's the San Diego County Fair but I just can't bring myself to say it), and because I'm the dork that I am, I downloaded a copy of the vendor list so I could study it and formulate my plan for attacking the halls. (I do this every year.) I notice a name on the list that interests me: Scentsy. So I check out the Scentsy website, learn about the company and products, and the business opportunity. So I know when I head to the fair, I'm going to stop by the Scentsy booth.

My first stop at the booth, I had the opportunity to quickly browse the products and chat with one of the consultants, I had planned on making it back later that day to purchase product, but the day just got away from me. (I must have been too busy eating...)

A week later, I return to the fair, and the Scentsy booth, hoping to find the same consultant that I spoke with on my prior trip. Instead, this very friendly woman greeted me, and we talked about any and everything under the sun. I had mentioned that I may be interested in signing up as a consultant to help assist with paying for school. She said Scentsy would be perfect for me and recommended that I think about it, and perhaps sign up in August, because I would get all of the Spring/Summer and new Fall/Winter testers and tools in my starter kit. I said I would think about it, I purchased some product, and went on my merry way.

What stuck with me in talking with the consultant was 1) She really took the time to talk AND listen to me 2) she genuinely cared out my needs and 3) she put my best interests before her own, in recommending that I wait until August to sign up. I really liked that.

I wasn't entirely convinced that joining the Scentsy family was for me. I brought a warmer and wax bar into work the following Monday, as soon as the wax melted, I had people in my office wondering where the scent was coming from. I spent almost the entire day explaining the Scentsy system to co-workers, one of them said, "You know, you really should sell these, you're doing a good job of it already."

So I emailed the consultant that I spoke with at the fair, and told her that August was too far away. She directed me to her website to sign up. I joined the Scentsy family, and thus began my adventures in the direct-sales world. :)